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December 9, 2024
SEMINAR: Entanglement distribution and utilization over quantum networks

Hour: From 12:00h to 13:00h

Place: Seminar Room

SEMINAR: Entanglement distribution and utilization over quantum networks

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)


Quantum networks have the potential to significantly advance quantum information processes, including computation, communication, and metrology. At the heart of these networks lies entanglement, a crucial resource that must be effectively managed.

Current strategies for distributing entanglement among distant parties include quantum repeaters and entanglement distillation. However, these methods are constrained by current Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) technologies, where noise in measurements and operations significantly reduces entanglement fidelity, limiting their effectiveness.

My presentation addresses two key questions:

First, how can entanglement be distributed in a quantum network while overcoming the limitations of NISQ technologies, particularly focusing on measurement errors? To address this, I propose a purification protocol for noisy measurement and state preparation.

Second, how can a certification method for entanglement within these networks be developed? I suggest an approach called "teleportation-based estimation of observables," incorporating entanglement witnesses to verify entanglement.

December 9, 2024
SEMINAR: Entanglement distribution and utilization over quantum networks

Hour: From 12:00h to 13:00h

Place: Seminar Room

SEMINAR: Entanglement distribution and utilization over quantum networks

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)


Quantum networks have the potential to significantly advance quantum information processes, including computation, communication, and metrology. At the heart of these networks lies entanglement, a crucial resource that must be effectively managed.

Current strategies for distributing entanglement among distant parties include quantum repeaters and entanglement distillation. However, these methods are constrained by current Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) technologies, where noise in measurements and operations significantly reduces entanglement fidelity, limiting their effectiveness.

My presentation addresses two key questions:

First, how can entanglement be distributed in a quantum network while overcoming the limitations of NISQ technologies, particularly focusing on measurement errors? To address this, I propose a purification protocol for noisy measurement and state preparation.

Second, how can a certification method for entanglement within these networks be developed? I suggest an approach called "teleportation-based estimation of observables," incorporating entanglement witnesses to verify entanglement.