ICFOStepstone 2

ICFOstepstone 2 is a Marie Sklowdowska-Curie-COFUND actions under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, which will be awarding a total of 25 fellowships to outstanding graduate students under grant agreements No 713729
The 25 fellowships are distributed in 3 calls for ICFOstepstone 2: from July 2017 until September 2018.
· Call 1 (CLOSED): 17 July 2017 – Deadline: 17 September 2017 – Interviews: 26/27 October 2017
· Call 2 (CLOSED): 22 December 2017 – Deadline: 25 February 2018 – Interviews: 12/13 April 2018
· Call 3 (CLOSED): 19 July 2018 – Deadline: 16 September 2018 – Interviews: 5/6 November 2018
The ICFOstepstone 2 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 713729
General Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible, all candidates for a PhD position at ICFO must have:
- A Master-equivalent degree by the time of potential recruitment. Candidates must have obtained an equivalent to 300 ECTS in their previous studies, out of which a minimum of 60 ECTS must have been obtained in postgraduate studies. The degree must be in a field of science and engineering related to optics and photonics.
- An excellent academic record, previous research experience and a strong commitment for scientific research.
- A high working knowledge of English.
- Candidates who have already been awarded a PhD are not eligible to apply.
ICFO is an equal opportunity employer. Candidates are selected exclusively on merit and potential on the basis of submitted application material. No restrictions related to disabilities, citizenship or gender apply to ICFO positions. ICFO abides by the principles of openness, efficiency, transparency, supportiveness, and international comparability as stated in the European Charter for Researchers and the European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
Candidates with disabilities or other special needs are strongly encouraged to apply to the program. ICFO will provide all possible assistance to ensure the candidate’s application is fairly assessed.
Candidates who have extenuating circumstances that may explain gaps in the academic career or other potentially negatively evaluated aspects of their application are invited to volunteer, if they wish, personal information that the selection panel may consider in their evaluation. Such information may include details of family obligations, severe illness or disability, refugee situation, etc. If the selection panel decides to shortlist a candidate based in part on such extenuating circumstances, it may require the candidate to provide reasonable supporting documentation.
The CONDITIONS of the PhD fellowships are as follows:
• Initial ICFO contract for a period of 6 months (1) , while being pre-admitted to the PhD Program, with a follow-up/ renewal procedure at the end of this first stage. During this period, students are fully integrated into an ICFO research group, take part in the ICFO working environment and training programs, and work with their supervisor to define and commence a research project.
• After this initial period, students are formally enrolled in the UPC PhD Program in Photonics (2), and the full PhD Fellowship is activated. Fellowships are offered for periods of three years, renewable for an additional fourth year, and are formalized via a PhD-contract. Continuity and renewal are subject to satisfactory performance in the PhD studies and related research activities, evaluated annually by the Thesis Director and the ICFO PhD Committee.
• All ICFO fellowships include medical care coverage and work accident insurance through the Spanish Social Security system, providing access to the Spanish public health care system.
(1) In certain circumstances, e.g. when required by the conditions of an external fellowship, this period may be shortened.
(2) In exceptional circumstances, a student may be enrolled in another local PhD program.
In addition to the general CONDITIONS of the PhD fellowships at ICFO described in the “Conditions“ section, these COFUND fellowships offer an amount at H2020 MSCA-COFUND level. The total gross annual allowance including the employer costs is 31.164,00 € per year and the annual gross salary for the fellow is 25.200€ (including living and mobility allowance) subject to the stipulated fiscal and social security deductions. This gross annual salary for the fellow is for the trainee period as well as during the PhD contract.
It is foreseen within the program that ICFO/Group will make available 6.000,00€/year/fellow to cover research costs (consumables and other materials deemed necessary to carry out the research project) and 1.800,00€/year/fellow to cover other costs (training and other related costs, such as registration fees, travel and subsistence costs for participation in national or international events, conference, meetings, schools, and/or other training activities). Following institutional regulations, the allocated funding for research, training and other costs are managed by ICFO and the Group Leader of the group that hosts the corresponding fellow.
Candidates will be evaluated by international external experts. Selection will be based on merit and potential, measured in terms of demonstrated academic record, research experience and personal achievements. The evaluation criteria take into consideration qualitative achievements of the candidate, and the potential impact that the fellowship provides. Candidates are evaluated based on demonstrated performance relative to opportunity, taking-into-account career interruptions and other extenuating circumstances. Relevant intersectoral experience through internships and work experience, pro-activity, participation in community activities, independence, initiative, and capacity for teamwork are positively evaluated.
First Review Stage. Evaluation is based on submitted documentation and structured, standardized information prepared by HRE to ensure that the evaluation process is fair and unbiased. Candidate evaluations will be based on:
- Previous Research and Intersectoral Experience
- Academic Excellence & Other Achievements
- Written communication skills
- Motivation and preparation for PhD
- Quality of References
Second Review Stage. Evaluation will be based on the performance at interview and response to questions using the following four equally weighted criteria:
- Academic Training & Research Experience
- Independence, Initiative & Teamwork Skills
- Motivation for Pursuing a PhD at ICFO
- Communication and Interpersonal Skills
The scores from the First Review Stage and the Second Review Stage will be combined with equal weight to determine the final ranking.
When all other scores and evaluation criteria are equal, recruitment preference shall be given to candidates from under-represented groups: women, candidates with disabilities or from refugee backgrounds.
Specific Eligibility Requirements for ICFOStepstone 2
In addition to the general eligibility criteria defined in the “Eligibility Criteria” section, candidates for the ICFOstepstone 2 COFUND PhD positions must comply with the following EU-rules by the time of activation of the PhD-contract:
- By the time of the COFUND-contract activation, the candidate must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months during the last 3 years. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not counted.
- Candidates must have been awarded their Master-equivalent degree not more than 4 years prior to the application deadline. Exceptions are made for documented periods of parental leave. Other equivalent exceptions may be considered when properly documented by the applicant, e.g., in case of applicants from underdeveloped countries, minorities, or for applicants that pursued their studies under comparatively unfavorable conditions.
Application Proceses
To apply, suitable candidates are requested to submit (in Engilsh) the following materials online
- Completed online application form.
- A Cover Letter addressing research interests and motivation for application, as well as the candidate’s background and suitability for the position.
- A Curriculum Vitae, including contact details.
- Scanned copies of the complete (Bachelor and Master equivalent) official academic transcripts in English or Spanish
- Scanned copies of the degree certificates, if available at the time of application
- The printout of the GPA equivalence calculation of your academic results, for your bachelor and master (separately) accomplished via https://www.scholaro.com/gpa-calculator/.
- If available, scanned copy of standardized test results (GRE, TOEFL, etc.). Note that submission of test results is optional, but they can be particularly helpful for evaluating candidates with degrees obtained outside the European Higher Education Area
- The names and contact details of two referees. IMPORTANT: HRE will automatically contact these referees to ask them to complete a standardized evaluation form and submit a letter of support for the candidates. These documents will be due one week before the application deadline. Once the referee has submitted the documents, the applicant will receive an email confirming that the corresponding reference letter has been submitted.
All required application material, including letters of reference, must be completed and submitted by deadline in order for the application to be considered.
Selection Process
Once fulfilment of eligibility requirements has been verified, the Selection Committee will evaluate all eligible candidates.
Once the call for applications closed, ICFO Human Resources and Education department verifies upon completeness and compliance of (1) the basic academic eligibility- and (2) the specific COFUND- criteria. Any eligibility-constraints are registered in the list of candidates; candidates not complying with the basic academic eligibility criteria are informed of their rejection at this stage. Once the eligibility check has been accomplished, the evaluation process starts.
The PhD-program is aimed at outstanding students, who stand out for both – a brilliant academic record as well as first research experience. We usually receive a large number of applications, some of which can’t be included to the shortlist of candidates to be interviewed, for a variety of reasons, such as the quality / competitiveness of the candidate, their suitability for ICFO research programs and / or the specific projects of the research groups, or not having the necessary experience for the position. Therefore, a pre-evaluation phase of the applications received is indicated to ensure that the most promising candidates progress to the second phase.
In the first step of the selection process, applications will be assessed by the selection committee based on merit and potential, measured in terms of the academic record and personal achievements. Academic excellence is a must. Pro-activity, participation in community activities, and capacity for teamwork are also taken into account. Applicants will be notified of the results of the first evaluation stage.
In the second step of the selection procedure, short-listed candidates will receive invitations to visit ICFO for oral interviews with the selection committee and ICFO Group/Team Leaders. The interview process involves a standard interview with the Selection Committee, including a presentation of the candidate’s academic trajectory and research interests, and individual interviews with ICFO Group Leaders.
The final list with candidates recommended for fellowship concession, as well as reserve candidates, will be available approximately one week after the interviews. As a final condition for acceptance, shortlisted candidates must find a hosting group at ICFO. Candidates are therefore asked to contact the ICFO Group Leader(s) of choice to negotiate directly a potential PhD position in their group. Candidates and Group Leader should confirm within one week whether an agreement has been reached. Fellowships will not be awarded to candidates who are unable to negotiate a match with an ICFO research group.
At all stages of the process, candidates may contact ICFO Human Resources and Education via jobs@icfo.eu
ICFOStepstone 2 Fellowships Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
How many ICFOStepstone fellowships are available?
ICFOStepstone 2 will fund a total of 25 fellowships distributed in 3 calls from July 2017 to September 2018.
How do I apply?
Applications must be presented through the ICFO Jobs Opening site ICFO Jobs: https://jobs.icfo.eu. Please read with attention the “Application process” section before you apply to make sure that you can meet the call’s requirements.
Which research topics are offered for the fellowships?
Fellowships will be offered across all ICFO research groups. Please see the Research Pages for more details about available research lines.
What will my salary be? How much is the fellowship worth?
The ICFOStepstone 2 fellowship amount is at H2020 MSCA-COFUND level, annual gross salary: 25.200€ (including living and mobility allowance) subject to the stipulated fiscal and social security deductions.
What are the eligibility criteria?
The eligibility criteria can be found in the “Eligibility Criteria” section.
Can I apply if I have lived or worked in Spain previously?
If you have carried out your main activity (worked, studied, etc) in Spain for more than 12 months of the last 36 months by the time of the COFUND-contract activation, you are not eligible for ICFOStepstone fellowships.
Can I apply if I do not yet possess a Master-equivalent degree that qualifies me for the ICFO PhD program?
To be eligible, all candidates for a PhD position at ICFO must have an internationally recognized Master-equivalent degree. The degree must be completed by the start of your prospective PhD at ICFO, at the latest, and must be in a field of science and engineering related to the ICFO research activities.
Can I apply if I earned my Master more than 4 years prior to the application deadline?
Candidates for the ICFOStepstone 2 COFUND PhD positions must have been awarded their Master-equivalent degree less than 4 years prior to the application deadline. Exceptions are made for documented periods of parental leave. Other equivalent exceptions may be considered when properly documented by the applicant, e.g., in case of applicants from underdeveloped countries, minorities, or for applicants that pursued their studies under comparatively unfavorable conditions.
Can I apply if I already do have a PhD?
No, holders of a PhD degree are not eligible for ICFO PhD Program.
What is the exact deadline?
ICFOstepstone 2
Call 1: opens 17/07/2017, deadline 17/09/2017 end of the day, 00:00h CET.
Call 2: opens 22/12/2017, deadline 25/02/2018 end of the day, 00:00h CET.
Call 3: opens 19/07/2018, deadline 16/09/2018 end of the day, 00:00h CET.
How do I get access to the application platform?
After having checked the requirements for a successful application, you can start the submission process on our website. The platform will guide you through the process. You will be asked to answer an application questionnaire and to upload documentation. Only complete applications are eligible for further review.
The application platform will be open for submission from the official call opening date to the call deadline.
Are referees mandatory and will they be contacted?
Yes. Candidates must submit names and contact details of two referees who will be automatically contacted by HRE. Referees will be asked to submit a letter of support for the candidate. The deadline for receipt of these materials is one week before the application deadline. The applicant will receive a confirmation email once the corresponding reference letter has been submitted.
What are the structure and the formal requirements for the CV?
Any CV design is allowed but please make sure that key aspects of your career (trajectory, publications, awards, etc.) are easy to find and understand. The file format of all uploaded documents ideally should be pdf.
What are the different steps in the selection process?
The different steps in the selection process can be found in the “Selection process” section..
What are the evaluation criteria?
The evaluation criteria can be found in the “Criteria for the selection of researchers” section.
Is it possible to update my application after the submission?
Yes, modifications will be accepted before the call deadline.
How do I know about the state of my application?
Applicants will be informed on the progress at all stages of the process. E-mail is the main instrument for communication during the process.
Is it possible to appeal the evaluation results?
All applicants have the right to appeal decisions in the event that there is evidence of bias or conflict of interest, failure to have reasonably followed the published evaluation procedure, or factual errors made by one or more evaluators that could have substantially altered the outcome of evaluation. A dedicated, external and independent Appeals Panel will be established to rule on this outcome.
Where can I find information about living and working in Catalonia?
An exhaustive description on work and life at ICFO and in Catalonia can be found here.
Fellows awarded ICFOstepstone 2
1. Camphausen, Robin
2. Alvarez Ortiz, Maria Monserrat
3. Severino, Stefano
4. Ockova, Jana
5. Fayaz Movahed, Hamidreza*
6. de los Rios Sommer, Andres*
7. Andreoli, Francesco
8. Di Giulio, Valerio
9. Avtzi, Stella
10. Chisholm, Craig
11. Rakonjac, Jelena
12. Heller, Lukas
13. Mocera, Martina*
14. Liga, Shanti Maria
15. Graham, Christina
16. Stollmann, Alexia*
17. Kottmann, Korbinian Gebhard
18. Mouloudakis, George*
19. Höschele, Jonatan
20. Scandi, Matteo
21. Nowakowski, Krystian
22. Aldama Guardia, Jennifer Diana
23. Heithoff, Maximilian
24. Lowinski, Jan
25. Pusapati, Varun-Varma
*Left before the finalization of the fellowship.