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Group research interests

Quantum Gas Theory

Theory for quantum simulation with ultracold atoms
Theory team in June 2023. From left to right: P. Fontana, C. Iacovelli, L. Tarruell, M. Miranda-Riaza, A. Celi, J. Bergmann, J. Cabedo.

Experiment and theory meet

A sophisticated theoretical framework is often behind the design and interpretation of our experiments. For instance, the gauge theory experiments of the potassium mixture lab were only possible thanks to the encoding of the target theory into matter-only degrees of freedom. Theory is also crucial for planning the protocols that we will investigate in the Rydberg lab to realize lattice gauge theories in more than one dimension. We tackle these and related problems in collaboration with the theory team of Alessio Celi (Autonomous University of Barcelona). Current common topics of interest include the quantum simulation of gauge theories in the continuum and in the lattice, the physics of spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates, and the investigation of feasible schemes to realize quantum spin liquids.

Theory team in June 2023. From left to right: P. Fontana, C. Iacovelli, L. Tarruell, M. Miranda-Riaza, A. Celi, J. Bergmann, J. Cabedo.
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