Personnel Policies and Benefits

ICFO does not tolerate any type of conduct or behavior considered harassment or bullying and has a clear defined policy against harassment.
Acknowledging additional difficulties involved for researchers who come from abroad, in particular for non-Spanish/Catalan speakers, ICFO provides extensive relocation support to all newcomers at the institute with personalized assistance on accommodation search, official visa procedures, as well as resolution of other personal issues that may arise. We pay special attention to the additional needs of families, for example in enrolling children in childcare or schools, to plan for a smooth arrival for all.
People with employment contracts or PhD fellowships are included within the Spanish Social Security system, which provides extensive public health care coverage as well as economic coverage in the terms specified in the applicable law during illness periods and also after maternity (currently 16 weeks for mothers) and paternity (currently five weeks for fathers). Direct family members also living in Spain who are not employed themselves can also be included as beneficiaries for medical assistance.
There are two facilities (one public & one private) within easy walking distance from ICFO that provide day-care for infants from 3-months to 3-years of age, as well as nearby public and private schools (from the age of 3). These usually cover the whole working day from 9:00 to 16:30 and offer the possibility of extended after-hours programs.
ICFO is committed to facilitating work-life balance through specific resources including for example a free daily bus BCN-ICFO-BCN. ICFO provides designated space for mothers that are breastfeeding.
Guidelines: Diversity in Meetings, Events and Workshops
Harassment and Bullying
Language Guidelines