Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Part of ICFO’s strength lies in the diversity of perspectives and contributions of all its members. Great care is taken to nurture optimal conditions within the institute that provide ICFOnians with an ambiance conducive to world-class research.
The Diversity and Inclusion Committee was formed with the mandate to discuss initiatives raised by the ICFO community in regards to diversity in all its forms, design a yearly plan with actions and initiatives in this scope, follow-up and evaluate completed activities, raise awareness of the topic within ICFO, and act as mediation body for appeals and conflicts.
ICFO is committed to promoting and ensuring a working environment where individuals are treated with respect, equality and courtesy. In keeping with this goal, ICFO will not tolerate any type of conduct or behavior considered harassment or bullying.
Gender Equality Plan
Harrasment and Bullying
Language Guidelines
Guidelines: Diversity in Meetings, Events and Workshops